Hi there! I’m Linea.

I’m a communication and change management professional and a passionate advocate and educator for mental health and disability rights.

I have a Master's degree in Healthcare Leadership from Brown University and a Change Management certificate from Cornell University.

I’m the co-author of the book Perfect Chaos: A Daughter's Journey to Survive Bipolar, A Mother's Struggle to Save Her with my mom Cinda Johnson. I’ve published many articles and delivered hundreds of keynote presentations, workshops, and trainings on topics such as mental health in the workplace, self-determination for young adults with disabilities, and global mental health.

I use my professional expertise and lived experience with mental illness to inspire, inform, and collaborate with organizations and individuals who share my vision of a more inclusive and compassionate world.

I also love books, the performing arts, and a good sense of humor. In my free time, I hang out with my husband and blue-tailed poodle, read on the porch, or watch YouTube videos of ballet until I have to go to bed.

Let’s connect!

Linea on the floor surrounded by books and a curly haired dog

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